Popular Bridal Bouquets & Wedding Flowers In 2024

Popular Bridal Bouquets & Wedding Flowers In 2024

As we step into 2024, bridal bouquets and wedding flowers are blossoming with fresh trends and timeless elegance. This year, the floral arrangements are all about personalization, unique combinations, and a touch of the unexpected. Here's a peek into the most popular bridal bouquets and wedding flowers that will make your special day unforgettable.



Ivory and Rust Roses with Baby’s Breath


Rustic Charm Bridal Bouquet in Dusty Rose, Terracotta and Ivory with Baby's Breath

Opt for a sophisticated blend of elegance and rustic charm with this bridal bouquet featuring ivory and rust terracotta roses accented by delicate baby’s breath. Perfect for a romantic wedding, this bouquet combines the classic beauty of white roses with the warm, earthy tones of rust, creating a stunning visual contrast. Ideal for autumnal or vintage-themed weddings, this arrangement is sure to captivate and complement your bridal ensemble beautifully.


Peach Roses and Eucalyptus


 Enchanting Pastel Bridal Bouquet in Blush, Cream, and Sage Green

Combine softness and sophistication with this bridal bouquet, featuring peach roses and eucalyptus. At this romantic garden wedding, the mix of pastel hues and lush greenery brought a fresh and elegant touch to the bride’s ensemble, creating an effortlessly beautiful look perfect for a spring or summer ceremony.


Sunflowers and Baby’s Breath


Radiant Sunflower Bridesmaid Bouquet

Bright and cheerful sunflowers paired with delicate baby’s breath bring a touch of rustic charm to this bridal bouquet. Perfect for a sunny outdoor wedding, this vibrant arrangement adds a natural, joyful element that will stand out beautifully against any backdrop. At this countryside celebration, the bright yellow blooms complemented the natural surroundings, creating an inviting and lively atmosphere.

Dusty Roses and Anemones


Romantic Bridal Bouquet In Dusty Rose & Blush

Mixing soft hues with varied textures will make your bridal bouquet unforgettable. At this romantic garden wedding, the bride carried a lush arrangement of dusty pink and white roses and anemones, creating an enchanting and elegant look. The delicate blend of colors and flowers added a touch of sophistication, perfect for a spring or summer celebration.


White Roses and Calla Lilies


Elegant Cascade Bridal Bouquet In Pristine White

Elegant cascades and classic blooms make this bridal bouquet a timeless choice. At this enchanting forest wedding, the bride carried a flowing arrangement of white roses and calla lilies, creating a sophisticated and ethereal look. The cascading design added a touch of drama and grace, perfect for a fairy-tale ceremony.


Lavender and White Cascade


Elegant Purple and White Cascade Bridal Bouquet

Blending the soft elegance of lavender roses with the purity of white peonies and orchids, this cascading bridal bouquet exudes romance and sophistication. Perfect for a timeless wedding celebration, the mix of colors and textures creates an enchanting and ethereal charm.


Orchids and White Roses


 Graceful White and Green Cascade Bridal Bouquet

Opting for a palette of all-white blooms brings a timeless elegance to your wedding day. This cascading bouquet, featuring orchids and white roses, added a touch of sophistication to a serene garden ceremony. The soft, ethereal arrangement beautifully complemented the bride's classic look.


White Peonies and Roses


Simple White Rose and Eucalyptus Bridal Bouquet 

Keeping it simple and elegant, this bouquet of white peonies and roses perfectly complements a minimalist wedding theme. The lush, round blooms, paired with subtle greenery, create a fresh and classic look that radiates timeless beauty and sophistication.


White Anemones and Roses


 Elegant White Anemone and Rose Bridal Bouquet

Choosing a mix of white anemones, roses, and calla lilies will create a bouquet that is both elegant and sophisticated. This lush arrangement, highlighted by the delicate touch of greenery, was the perfect complement to a romantic city wedding. The subtle yet striking combination brings timeless beauty to your special day.


Peonies and Eucalyptus


 Bridal Bouquet with Roses, Peonies, and Eucalyptus in White and Green

Opting for a blend of lush peonies and eucalyptus leaves adds a touch of natural elegance to your bridal bouquet. This arrangement, featuring white blooms and soft greenery, is perfect for a rustic or garden-themed wedding. The combination of textures and muted colors creates a timeless, romantic look.


Dusty Blue and White Elegance


Bridal Bouquet White and Dusty Blue with Roses and Hydrangeas

Combining dusty blue succulents with classic white roses creates a striking and modern bridal bouquet. The deep blue hues add a touch of boldness and sophistication, perfect for a contemporary wedding. This unique arrangement balances tradition and innovation, making it an unforgettable accessory for your special day.


White Roses and Ivy Cascade


 Large Cascade Bridal Bouquet  in White and Green with Roses, Peonies, and Ivy

Creating a dramatic and lush look, this cascading bouquet of white roses intertwined with ivy is perfect for a grand wedding affair. The cascading greens add a touch of nature and elegance, making it a stunning choice for brides who want to make a statement with their floral arrangements.


Dusty Rose Peonies and Ranunculus Cascade


 Medium Cascade Bridal Bouquet in Dusty Rose and Blush

Opting for a romantic blend of blush and dusty rose peonies and soft pink ranunculus and baby's breath creates a breathtaking cascading bouquet. This lush arrangement, with touches of greenery and delicate filler flowers, perfectly complements a whimsical garden wedding. The combination of pastel hues and varied textures brings an enchanting and timeless beauty to your special day.


Calla Lilies and Peonies Cascade


 Medium Cascade Bridal Bouquet with Peonies, Roses, and Calla Lilies

Fusing the elegance of white calla lilies with the lush beauty of peonies, this cascading bouquet brings a sophisticated touch to any wedding. The addition of delicate ferns and soft greenery enhances the natural charm, making it perfect for a woodland or garden-inspired ceremony. The flowing design and harmonious blend of flowers create a timeless and romantic look.


Roses and Dahlias Cascade


 Small Cascade Bridal Bouquet in Dusty Pink and Lavender

Incorporating a blend of soft pink roses and vibrant dusty pink dahlias, this cascading bouquet brings a burst of color and elegance. The addition of delicate white accents and lush greenery creates a harmonious and romantic arrangement, perfect for a whimsical garden wedding. The flowing design adds a touch of whimsy and sophistication to your special day.


Blush Roses and Dusty Blue Hydrangeas Cascade With Baby's Breath


Medium Cascade Bridal Bouquet in Dusty Pink and Dusty Blue

Embrace the soft romance of blush roses paired with the delicate charm of blue hydrangeas in this cascading bridal bouquet. The mix of pastel hues and lush greenery creates an enchanting and fresh look, perfect for a spring or summer wedding. The gentle flow of flowers adds a touch of elegance and whimsy, making your special day unforgettable.


Calla Lilies and Lily of the Valley Cascade


 Elegant White Calla Lily Cascade Bridal Bouquet

Opting for the classic beauty of white calla lilies paired with delicate lily of the valley creates a bouquet of pure elegance. This cascading arrangement is perfect for a timeless and sophisticated wedding. The graceful flow and pristine white flowers add a touch of romance and refinement, making it an exquisite choice for any bride.


Terracotta & Dusty Roses and Dahlias in Autumn Hues


 Dusty Rose, Peach, and White Cascade Bridal Bouquet

Embrace the rich tones of autumn with this stunning bouquet featuring warm terracotta roses and soft peach dahlias. The cascading design, enhanced by lush greenery and delicate accents, brings a touch of seasonal beauty to your wedding day. Perfect for a fall celebration, this arrangement combines elegance and warmth, creating a truly memorable floral display.


Burgundy Peonies and Blush Roses


Red, Navy, and Cream Cascade Bridal Bouquet

Combining the rich hues of burgundy peonies with the soft elegance of blush roses, this bouquet brings a dramatic flair to any wedding. The addition of dusty blue accents and lush greenery creates a stunning contrast, making it perfect for a sophisticated and romantic celebration. The cascading design adds movement and grace, ensuring your bouquet stands out beautifully.


Red Roses and Calla Lilies Cascade


Deep Red & Pristine White Cascade Bridal Bouquet

Creating a bold and romantic statement, this cascading bouquet features the timeless beauty of red roses and the elegant charm of white calla lilies. The lush greenery adds depth and richness, making it a perfect choice for a classic and sophisticated wedding. The vibrant red and pristine white combination brings a striking contrast that enhances the bride’s ensemble beautifully.


Dust Blue Lilies and Delphiniums Cascade


Dusty Blue and Lavender Cascade Bridal Bouquet

Blending the ethereal beauty of dusty blue lilies with the classic charm of white roses, this cascading bouquet was a highlight at an elegant winter wedding. The cool blue hues paired with delicate greenery added a serene touch, perfectly complementing the bride’s graceful ensemble. This unique arrangement brings a touch of sophistication and romance to any celebration.


Purple and White Calla Lilies


Bridal Bouquet with Calla Lilies and Baby's Breath in Purple and White

Merging the deep, rich hues of purple and white calla lilies with delicate baby's breath creates a strikingly modern bouquet. This simple yet elegant arrangement was the centerpiece of a chic urban wedding, adding a bold touch to the bride's ensemble. The vibrant colors and clean lines make this bouquet perfect for a contemporary celebration.