Burnt-Edge Retro Artificial Mini Rose Bouquet for Home Décor
Add a touch of rustic and vintage charm to your home with this burnt-edge artificial mini rose bouquet. This set of beautifully realistic roses has delicate edges exquisitely weathered in soft shades of purple and pink, thereby setting them as perfect for any romantic antique-style decoration. Made from high-quality, silk-like material, this beautiful bouquet is perfect for living rooms, on any dining table, or when decorating events with its timeless charm and low-to-no maintenance, while fresh flowers wither and change through the seasons.
- Lifelike burnt-edge mini roses in vintage style
- Available in shades of purple, pink, and off-white
- Perfect for home décor or special event arrangements
- Made from high-quality silk-like fabric for realistic beauty
- Maintenance-free and long-lasting floral décor

Burnt-Edge Retro Artificial Mini Rose Bouquet for Home Décor