Vibrant Orange and White Rose Bridal Bouquet
Add a burst of color to your wedding with this vibrant bridal bouquet, featuring a lively mix of orange, white, and pink roses. Accented with delicate baby's breath and sparkling rhinestones, this bouquet is perfect for a joyful and lively celebration.
The striking combination of colors and textures in this bouquet ensures it stands out, making it a perfect accessory for your special day.
Key Features:
- Dimensions: 21 cm L x 28 cm W
- Weight: 270g
- Colors: Orange, white, and pink
- Flowers: Orange roses, white roses, pink roses, and baby's breath
- Shape: Classic round bouquet
- Ideal for joyful and lively wedding themes
- Made from high-quality silk flowers for lasting beauty

Vibrant Orange and White Rose Bridal Bouquet